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Greetings Members

August Update Please Come Harvest!

Can you believe it's already August? If you have any time to come harvest, please come by. We have tomatoes, ground cherries, peppers, long beans, pole beans and eggplant. The Okra is on the way and herbs are all around. We are delivering free food to home-bound residents of Spanish Lake weekly. If you have neighbors who are home-bound please come pick some for them. Elderberries are growing ripe. It's time to start making tinctures and Elderberry medicine for the fall and winter!

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Our Summer farm tours have been a wonderful success. We have had many groups come to learn about the animals, plants, pond life and bees. The goats are well loved but the barn kittens and chickens seem to thrill the little ones the most!
Just a little closer...
Someones ready to ride!
We are currently seeking grants to make the space more inviting and healing. By next year (with a little help from our angels) we will have a medicinal healing garden.
Farm tours happening all summer!
Call Eric at 314-625-8869 or Janett 858-717-0070 to schedule a tour at: 11743 Eckert Ln St. Louis, MO 63138
#grants4plants Video
The Spanish Lake CDC has been hard at work building our community. Take some time to virtually meet your neighbors!
Stay safe by washing your hands often and wear your mask when out. When you come to the garden, observe social distance. We have masks and gloves here.

As always, thank you for sharing our mission.

GROW Spanish Lake

R~elationships &
W~ithin Spanish Lake

Come out and connect with your neighbors and the nature. Let's GROW!
Rustic Roots Sanctuary
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